The new tracking and fleet management solution !

Take the controls :

Which experience do you want to live?
Monitoring & Tracking Center
  • Real Time Tracking
  • Support 24/7
  • Emergency Call Center
Automatized mode
  • Real Time Notifcations
  • Access 24/7
  • Email Support

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SatelTrack FleetManager is an intelligent system of satellite tracking and fleet management, which directly affects increasing of efficiency and reducing of costs.

Using the latest achievements in GSM and GPS technologies, SatelTrack FleetManager system allows the vehicles to be visible at all times, giving you control, supervision and a better logistics of your recourses.

The purpose of SatelTrack FleetManager System is to offer useful information through fleet management system that is user friendly and simple to use.

The SatelTrack mobile app is now available on iPhone, iPad and Android!
Manage your fleet in a few seconds.
Take the control of your fleet with any gps or telemetry devices! Knows in real time the position & status of all your fleet. Optimize the management of your fleet network and view the results in real time on the road map! Save Money using our international data plans with global roaming.
oui, vous êtes trackés

Anti Jammer Solution and Smart Tire Monitoring

Anti Jammer
We have all heard stories of theft of units where cell phone jammers are used.
That this does not happen to you, SatelTrack has a solution to this great problem.

Smart Tire Monitoring
Unnecessary expenses due to blown tires, or worse, an accident.
Knowing the temperature and pressure of the tires in real time is now possible.
Reduce time in checking tires in your units and take preventive actions.

Visit our website for this and other solutions

Or send us an email for more information
Click HERE and tell us how we can help you